There a lot of things that New Zealand and Chile have in common, but also many things are very different. One way these countries are similar is the love of their national sport, in this case rugby in New Zealand and football in Chile.
Also they eat at different times than us (breakfast, lunch, dinner), which is earlier except for breakfast.
One of the differences is the social security, for example: When you leave a bike in a tree, in New Zealand that bike can be there for hours, days, weeks, and it will still be there, where as in Chile the bike will just be there for minutes or hours.
In conclusion, the element that caught my attention was the Maori culture that had a connection with the Chileans Rapa nui Culture, at the Easter Island. Also that the Maori's live in a community with the 'Pakeha',which means the europeans in New Zealand, which in our case us Chileans don't live in a community with the mapuches. This friendship is really good.
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